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  • New pregnancy

    Congratulations on your pregnancy!
    The doctors and midwives at Parkbury House Surgery are here to support you through this special event.

    New pregnancy information (PDF)

  • Diabetes and pre-pregnancy care

    Remember your GP and Diabetes team are here to help you have an enjoyable pregnancy and a healthy baby. Get in contact with them before you stop using contraception.

    Pre-conception leaflet (PDF)

  • Tommy’s

    Tommy’s provides information and support to empower parents during pregnancy.


  • Start for Life

    Trusted NHS help and advice during pregnancy, birth and parenthood.

    Start for life

  • Baby Buddy: Pregnancy & Parent

    Baby Buddy is an award winning mobile phone app for new parents and parents-to-be, created by mums, doctors and midwives.

    Google Play Store
    Download Baby Buddy on the Google Play Store

    Apple App Store
    Download Baby Buddy on the Apple App Store

  • MAMA Academy

    MAMA Academy’s mission is to empower all maternity professionals and expectant parents on stillbirth prevention methods to help more babies arrive safely.

    07427 851670

    MAMA Academy


  • BAPAS- British Pregnancy Advisory Service

    If you discover that you have a pregnancy that you feel you are unable to continue with, we will be here to support you to make a decision that is right for you.

    Abortion clinics, Information, Advice and Treatment | BPAS

  • Planning to become pregnant

    The aim is to plan ahead to reduce the risk of harm to the baby and to reduce the risk of pregnancy complications. If you take any regular medication, or have a long-term medical condition, see your doctor to discuss any changes which may need to be made. Do this before you are pregnant ideally, in case anything might affect your baby.

    Planning to Become Pregnant

  • NHS Pregnancy

    This guide includes all you need to know about trying for a baby, pregnancy, labour and birth.

    NHS: Pregnancy