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Prescriptions are issued at the doctor’s discretion and you may be asked to book an appointment before they can be issued.

Ordering repeat prescriptions

The easiest ways to order repeat prescriptions are:

These accounts show you all your repeat medicine and dosage and you can choose the ones you need.

You can also:

  • hand your repeat slip into the pharmacy, the pharmacy holds onto the right-hand side of the prescription and requests your repeat medication on your behalf. Remember to tell the pharmacy, every cycle, what you do and don’t need them to order
  • hand in the tick list, found on the right-hand side of your previous repeat prescription, to the pharmacy or at the practice

We do not take repeat prescription requests over the phone or email.

If you are requesting an item that you have not had for a long time, for example for several years, then please make an appointment before requesting the medicine. If you have had the item more recently and are asking for a new issue of the prescription, please allow 3 full working days for the request to be completed.

Ordering repeat HRT and contraception

Requests for these items should be placed either through your NHS account, or by completing a request form at the surgery. You may receive a questionnaire to complete via text should we require some up to date information about your health.

Collecting your prescription


You can usually collect your prescription 2 working days after you have ordered it.

Prescriptions for patients 65 and older and 18 and younger will be issued for 28 days.

  • if you have nominated a preferred pharmacy, then the prescription will be sent electronically directly to the pharmacy. This is the fastest way to get a prescription. This is how the practice would prefer you to collect repeats if possible
  • if you haven’t nominated a preferred pharmacy, then your prescription will be ready for collection from reception by yourself or your carer

Electronic prescriptions will not be issued for controlled drugs or on occasions when we need you to collect extra forms or correspondence relating to your medication.

You can change your nominated pharmacy at any time:

  • on the app or website where you order repeat prescriptions
  • at any pharmacy that accepts repeat prescriptions

Early requests

Please do not send through a request for a repeat prescription until a week before the new prescription is due. This increases the potential for the prescription to be overlooked and not re-issued on time.

  • Any requests for repeat prescriptions that are requested early will not be processed by the practice until one week before the next repeat prescription is due.
  • If an early request is received from a pharmacy, it will be returned to the pharmacy.
  • If it is received through Patient Online Access, it will not be done and will remain on the system until a week before it is due.

Exceptional circumstances

Repeat prescriptions cannot be issued early by anyone except a GP. The GP will only issue an early prescription in an exceptional circumstance (travel, theft, damage, etc.)

If you are putting in an early request because of exceptional circumstances, then you need to write a brief note explaining why you need your medication early.

However, issuing the repeat prescription early is at the doctor’s discretion and they may need to call you to confirm the details or wish to see you for a face to face consultation first.

Traveling with medication (PDF).

Other reasons for not receiving your prescriptions on time

If your prescription is not ready at the pharmacy you have nominated after two working days of ordering it or it has not been printed and left at reception for you, it may be

  • You are due an annual review or blood test. This can sometimes involve a phone call from our prescriptions team, the doctor or the reception team, who may need to book you an appointment.
  • You need to have a face to face consultation as the problem for which the item was prescribed needs to be examined again or requires further investigations.

It is the doctors’ duty to ensure that you and your medication are monitored and reviewed. This is not negotiable.

Questions about your prescription

If you have questions about your medicine, your local pharmacists can answer these. They can also answer questions on medicines you can buy without a prescription.

The NHS website has information on how your medicine works, how and when to take it, possible side effects and answers to your common questions.

Go to Medicines A to Z (

Prescribing diazepam

At Parkbury House Surgery, we will not prescribe diazepam for patients who wish to use this for a fear of flying or for phobias in relation to medical and dental procedures.

For further information and our reasoning, please see our prescribing diazepam page.

Medication reviews

If your medication requires an annual blood test, you will be sent (by email or post) the form prior to the review, for you to have taken at St Albans City Hospital. If you also require an annual chronic disease review, your blood test can be taken at the initial appointment. Once you have had any necessary blood tests, you will be booked a telephone appointment with one of our pharmacists or GPs for your medical review appointment.

Prescription charges

Find out more about prescription charges (

If you feel you may be a candidate for exemption, advice is available from the NHS website – Health Costs and Exemptions.

What to do with old medicines

Take it to the pharmacy you got it from or bring it in to the surgery. Do not put it in your household bin or flush it down the toilet.

About pharmacists

As qualified healthcare professionals, pharmacists can offer advice on minor illnesses such as:

  • coughs
  • colds
  • sore throats
  • tummy trouble
  • aches and pains

They can also advise on medicine that you can buy without a prescription.

Find a pharmacy (

Many pharmacies are open until late and at weekends. You do not need an appointment.

Most pharmacies have a private room where you can discuss issues with pharmacy staff.

Information on over the counter medicines (PDF).

Related information

In-house clinical pharmacists

On-site pharmacy

We are fortunate to have an on-site Jade pharmacy.

Pharmacy opening times:

  • Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 6:30pm
  • Saturday, 9am to 1pm
  • Sunday, Closed

01727 862 857