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Food support in our local community

Parkbury House Surgery would like to highlight a couple of local foodbank services available in and around St. Albans.

Patients can be referred to the St. Albans and District Foodbank by our PCN Care Coordinators, which provides patients with access to the 9 Foodbank Distribution Centres in the local area.

We provide emergency food for people in crisis. We help working people as well as those on benefits, from a wide range of backgrounds. When people visit the Foodbank they are given three days’ worth of food, providing them with three meals a day, plus some essential non-food items such as cleaning products and toiletries.

When people come to us for help, we try to get to the root cause of the ‘crisis’ and direct them to where they can obtain help to resolve the problems they are facing.”

St. Albans and District Foodbank

The St. Albans Community Pantry offers rescued surplus food, community meals and after school clubs in venues across St. Albans. This is open to all and does not require a referral.