Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Parkbury House Surgery is committed to improving the quality of its services, and understands that feedback and input from its patients is crucial to this process. As part of
these ongoing efforts, Parkbury House Surgery has established a Patient Participation Group (PPG) where patients who wish to take a more active interest can represent the
wider patient community and directly contribute to bringing about change.

The Parkbury House PPG carries out the following objectives:

 Ensuring that patients are involved in decisions about the range and quality of services provided and/or commissioned by the Practice.

•  Working with the Practice to find out the views of the patient community in respect to:

  1. The services being delivered, and new services that are required by the patient community
  2.  Convenience of access
  3.  The ability to book ahead, and to be seen quickly
  4. Continuity of care
  5. Modes of contact with the practice (e.g., face-to-face, telephone, electronic communications, website, etc.)

•  Putting forward priority ideas and solutions in regard to concerns raised by patients

Parkbury House Surgery would like to thank the current PPG members for their valuable feedback and views about areas in which the Practice can improve.

•  Join our Patient Participation Group

Last PPG meeting agenda:

New staff appointments

Discussion of car park issues

Website developments

Introduction of eConsult

Provision of ear wax removal services

Update on ‘Green Impact Initiative’ efforts

Social prescribing services

Next PPG Meeting

Thursday 20th June (18:30, in the Library at Parkbury House Surgery)

PPG Meeting Minutes


Patient Survey Reports